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  1. For adults having an elective procedure, limited solid food may be taken up to six hours prior to anaesthesia and clear fluids may be taken up to two hours prior to anaesthesia.

  2. For children over six months of age having an elective procedure, breast milk or formula and limited solid food may be given up to six hours and clear fluids (no more than 3ml/kg/hr) up to one hour prior to anaesthesia.

  3. For infants under six months of age having an elective procedure;
    • formula may be given up to four hours
    • breast milk up to three hours and
    • clear fluids (no more than 3ml/kg/hr) up to one hour prior to anaesthesia

  4. Prescribed medications may be taken with a sip of water less than two hours prior to anaesthesia unless otherwise directed (for example oral hypoglycaemics and anticoagulants).

  5. An H2-antagonist, proton pump inhibitor or other agent that decreases gastric secretion and acidity should be considered for patients with an increased risk of gastric regurgitation.
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